What is Mesothelioma?Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelium, the protective sac the covers most of the body's internal organs. The mesothelium that surrounds the heart is called the pericardium, that of the thorax is called the pleura and that of the abdominal cavity is called peritoneum. Mesothelium also covers the internal reproductive reproductive organs of both male and female.
The function of the mesothelium is to allow the internal organs to move easily against each other within our body's cavities; the contraction and expansion of our lungs and heart, our intestines, etc. It is composed of two cell layers; the first one covers the organs itself and the other one is like a sack that surrounds the cavity. Lubricating fluids are released between these layers to allow fluid movements between organs. When cell abnormalities occur like the one caused by the long term inhalation of asbestos material, the cells in the mesothelium may become cancerous and may affect nearby cells and organs. This malignant cancer form is called mesothelioma and the most afflicted persons are the ones who have been constantly exposed to asbestos for a long period of time. There are however, very rare cases of benign mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma CauseThe major cause of mesothelioma is asbestos. People who are working in a mining jobsite of asbestos are candidates for mesothelioma cancer. Also those people who come in contact with asbestos material such as workers in a manufacturing plant for asbestos products are also likely to become victims of mesothelioma.
Asbestos fibers reach the lungs through inhalation. Once inside the lungs it could be transported to other places in the body through the blood stream. Some of these particles can be trapped or lodged in certain bodily parts like the mesothelium where most mesothelioma cancers occur.
Those particles that are trapped in the mesothelium can be the starting point of mesothelioma development. It could take a long time for this type of cancer to develop and usually when diagnosis for mesothelioma is found positive for a patient, the cancer has advanced to a stage where the only treatment option will be to relieve the patient of pain and wait for the inevitable.
People who are frequently exposed to asbestos or family members whose family member has an asbestos exposure related job have to keep watch of their health. Symptoms must not be disregarded and a visit to a physician must be scheduled right away so as to treat the mesothelioma, if it's found positive.
Who Can Help?Mesothelioma, just like any cancer can be painful. Pain relief and treatment can be very costly. What's more if the breadwinner is the one afflicted with mesothelioma then financial distress is not far away. The way to go is to seek the advice of mesothelioma lawyers or attorneys who can help you how to seek assistance from employers or if a lawsuit is possible.
There is however what's called a statute of limitations. If a case is filed long after the diagnosis of mesothelioma, the court may reject your case. It is there for necessary to seek the advice of a lawyer regarding the filing of a lawsuit immediately.
Mesothelioma Types Pleural Mesothelioma
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Pericardial Mesothelioma